Estimated Harvest Schedule
asparagus cilantro beet greens bok choy
lettuce mix swiss chard strawberries
herbs spinach shelling peas
rhubarb flowers table onions snap peas
broccoli basil cherry tomatoes
radishes apples herbs beets lettuce green beans apples
cantaloupe cabbage egg plant summer squash
onions tomatoes cucumbers new potatoes
zucchini carrots watermelons
kohlrabi peppers sweet corn flowers
lettuce spinach basil apples grapes
radishes zucchini pie pumpkins cucumbers
rutabagas pears cherry tomatoes onions
broccoli carrot tomatoes
raspberries potatoes peppers flowers
hot peppers beets green beans
kohlrabi cabbage winter squash brussel sprouts
kale popcorn asian greens
Members receive anywhere from 6 to 12 different vegetables each week. Shares start out light and increase in size and variety as the season progresses. Weather is a factor, but we use years of experience to help ensure a bountiful harvest.
Thorn Crest Farm 11822 Cabot Ave. Dundas, Mn 55019
For ideas on preserving the harvest go to: